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Privacy Policy

It is the policy of Central Bank to respect our customers right to privacy. It is the policy of Central Bank to protect that right in the collection, use, maintenance, and disclosure of personal information that may be obtained through applications, accounts, or other banking transactions. This policy pertains to all banking transactions including on line services.

It is the policy of Central Bank to limit employee access to personal information which is necessary to carry out banking activities. Each employee is to be made aware of the need for confidentiality in regards to personal information. This is to be done at the time of employment and continued training. Failure to adhere to this policy of confidentiality could result in disciplinary action or dismissal. 

It is the policy of Central Bank to limit disclosure of personal information to a third party. Personal information may be supplied to a third party in order to process a customer transaction; if the customer request it; the disclosure is required by law ( i.e. exchange of information with reputable reporting agencies, subpoena, or the investigation of fraudulent activity, etc. ); or for marketing purposes of which the customer has been previously informed and has been given the opportunity to decline.

It is the policy of Central Bank to allow the customer ample opportunity to insure that all personal information is correct. If questions arise it is our desire that the customer contact the bank to have questions answered, to obtain needed information, or to forward any corrections that need to be made.

It is the policy of Central Bank to abide by all state and federal regulations regarding the privacy of the personal information of its customers.

It is the policy of Central Bank to abstain from the sharing or selling of customer information.